Political Leadership : An Obsolete Concept   

 Political governance is a big failure in the history of mankind because it couldn’t resolve the problems of the world. The fact is, all existing problems have been created by politics and politicians.

 Let’s dig deeply and unveil the dark secrets of politics, political parties and real masters of democracy, economy and financial system, feudalistic capitalism, education system and policies, environmental issues including weather engineering, global warming, genetically modified seeds, factory processed food etc.

 Political leaders and their padrone capitalists, both are driven by hyper materialistic approaches which leads them to unlimited selfishness, greed, lust, ego and make them power hungry. These are the signs of devilish wealth. As a result of this, global population is suffering from endless war, communal hatred and rights, racism, grief, misery, misfortune, calamities, and many other thousands of problems including diseases, unemployment, food shortages, starvation, etc.

Around 70 million people were killed in two world wars. Millions and Millions of people have killed in war in last 5000 years worldwide. Millions of people killed in communal violence, ethnic wars and civil rights. This trend is continued till date and will remain continue until humanity gets a perfect way of living the life.

As a matter of fact, life is governed by the government’s vision, planning, policies, implementation through honest, efficient and effective administration, maintaining law enforcement and effective honest judiciary where everyone can get the quick and free of cost justice without discrimination of his/her position, wealth, resources and political approach. So, question arises here, where does the solution lie? Before we move towards the solution let’s examine in depth and detail why humanity is suffering and why entire world is facing earlier mentioned disastrous problems?


Politics is the root cause of every single problem world is suffering from. Politics is a set of activities with the governance of a country or an area. It involves making decisions that apply to members of a group. It refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance - organized control over a human community, particularly a state. That means politics governs every field of life. Those who enters in the field of politics are known as politicians. If politics and politicians influenced and inspired by eternal principles of cosmic law that is Dharma and Spirituality then Political government will deliver ultimate rule of Righteousness and State/nation will be called fully social welfare.

But as already mentioned above politicians are under the deep influence of demonic instincts so they can never establish a true welfare state/nation.

Another important aspect of politics and politicians is, both are backed by Capitalism and big corporate giants and big corporates are the new fascists. We will dive deep to unveil the hidden evils of capitalistic imperialism who runs their agenda through political leadership.

 What is Capitalism and Capitalistic Imperialism?

 Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation just to make huge profits. Its main characteristics are private property, capital accumulation, wage labor, voluntary exchange, a price system designed to create monopoly and operated for profit. Due to its inherent evils capitalism gradually has turned in to new form of global feudalism. It is evident that capitalism has failed as a social system. The world is mired in economic stagnation, endless debt, and the most extreme inequality in human history, accompanied by mass unemployment and underemployment,  poverty, hunger, wasted output and lives and what at this point can only be called a planetary ecological “death spiral”. E-digital revolution, the greatest technological advancement of our time, has rapidly mutated from a promise of free communication and liberated production into new means of surveillance, control, and displacement of the working population. The institutions of liberal democracy are at the point of collapse, while fascism, the rear guard of the capitalist system, is again on the march, along with patriarchy, racism, imperialism, and war.

Private capital tends to become concentrated in few hands, partly because of competition among the capitalists, and the rest because of technological development. The increasing division of labour encourage the formation of larger units of production at the expense of smaller ones.

According to Oxfam’s January 2022 report on international inequality says “that world’s 10 richest men has doubled since the plandemic began. The income of 99% of humanity are worse off because of covid 19. Widening economic gap, gender and racial inequalities -as well as inequalities that exists between countries-are tearing our world.” This report further states” This is not by chance, but by choice” economic violence” is perpetrated when structural policy choices are made for the richest and most powerful people.

As per Oxfam’s report released in January 2023, the world’s wealthiest residents have been getting far richer, far faster than everyone else over the past two years. The top 1% have captured nearly twice as much new wealth as the rest of the world during that period, according to Oxfam’s annual inequality report, released Sunday. Their fortune soared by $26 trillion, while the bottom 99% only saw their net worth rise by $16 trillion. Some 1.7 billion workers live in countries where inflation is outpacing wages. And poverty reduction likely stalled last year after the number of global poor skyrocketed in 2020.

“While ordinary people are making daily sacrifices on essentials like food, the super-rich have outdone even their wildest dreams,” said Gabriela Bucher.

This shows that Capitalism caused huge accumulation and drastic in equal distribution of wealth. As a result of this, corporates became an oligarchy of private capital, the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organized political society. This is true since the members of legislative bodies are selected by political parties, largely financed, or otherwise influenced by private capitalists. They for all practical purposes, separate the electorate from the legislature. The consequence is that the representatives of the people do not in fact, sufficiently protect the interests of the underprivileged sections of the population.

All natural and man-made resources are being captured by few super rich people of the world. Now what we are witnessing are natural consequences of this hyper materialistic capitalism.

Capitalism is running each aspect of our lives on this planet. Our life style, our political system and our Economies, Media houses, Health facilities and Medication, our Education, Environmental issues, everything is being regulated and controlled by capitalists which have endless craving of accumulation of huge amount of money and wealth, luxury, and all other sensual pleasures. Policies are made in favour of these corporates because all political parties in vast majorities of countries are funded by these capitalists. In recent years, it has been observed that governments are purchasing data from social media apps to influence voters’ mind. Google, Facebook are globally criticized for influencing voters in favour of a particular political party.

It is another classic example of mind hacking. It is thus extremely difficult, and indeed in most cases quite impossible, for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions and to make intelligent use of his political rights.

In fact, nowadays they are not only controlling and dominating human life but they intently changing the ways of living the life. This is the main reason that political leadership has become obsolete. We will further examine that capitalistic ideology perpetuating wars, fascism and will fully imposing health emergencies through disseminating pseudoscience.


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