Understanding the realm of God (Part 2)

Let’s start understanding the nature. The creating, operating, and destroying force of this universe is Nature. Ancient Vedic scriptures elaborates everything about the nature. Tantrokta Ratri Suktam which is a part of Durga Saptshati that had originated from Rigveda, gives the real idea and veracity of Nature.

Nature is not an ordinary phenomenon but Ancient Vedas considered it as the Goddess. Tantrokta Ratri Suktam unveils the secrets and characteristics of Nature. It states “The goddess of the entire universe (Vishweshwari), who bears or upholds all the worlds (Jagat Dhatri), who is the underlying cause of the continuation of existence (Sthiti) as well as the withdrawal of creation (Samhara), who is the goddess with unrivalled tejas (power), and who is Vishnu's Yoga Nidra.

Brahma said: you are swaha (sacrificial oblations to the gods), you are swadha (sacrificial oblations to the manes), you are indeed Vashatkara (exclamation during sacrifice after which the oblation is poured); You are the soul of swaras (vowels) and thus the one to whom all sacrificial oblations go, you are the nectar (Soma) within the Akshara (Om), residing eternally as the soul of three Matras (A-U-M).

You eternally abide in the very subtle Bindu (of the Omkara, which in particular cannot be pronounced at all), you are the Sandhya (junction point of two time periods), and you are the Savitri (the underlying power through which sun shines and the essence of the gayatri mantra); you are the devi who is the supreme mother. You bear this universe, you make this world (with your power), you sustain this creation (with your power), and you finally combine this creation within you, always.

You are Srishti Rupa (of the form of the creator of this world) during creation, Sthiti-Rupa (of the form of the abider within the creation for nourishing it) during sustaining, and Samahriti (of the form of withdrawer of creation within yourself) during the end of the world; you are thus the Jaganmayi (who contains the entire world within herself). You are Mahavidya (the great secret knowledge beyond the mind), Mahamaya (the knowledge that enchants the mind), Mahamedha (the great intelligence beyond the mind), Maha Smriti (the universal memory that knows everything), Mahamoha (the knowledge that confounds the limited mind), and Mahadevi (the worshipful great goddess).

You have given birth to the entire prakriti (universal nature) through your three gunas; you are Kaala Ratri (the great night behind prakriti that causes dissolution), you are Maharatri (the great night behind prakriti that is full of mystery), you are Moharatri (the great night behind prakriti that causes delusion), you are (in fact) very deep.

In Atharva Devasheersham which is derived from Atharva Veda, the universal mother goddess describes when all Devtas (Gods) went near to Devi, “Who are you, Oh great Goddess?”. She told “I am the Brahma; I am the progenitor of this universe which manifested as Nature as well as Purusha.” Purusha in Vedas described as cosmic being who pervades everything conscious and unconscious universally.

The above very brief description about Nature is enough to prove that modern scientists’ approach and understanding of nature is merely confined to its materialistic manifestation and are totally ignorant about its deeper aspects and are far away from reality.

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