Vedic Arthashastra: The New Age Economy

In our last article, “Political Leadership: An Obsolete Concept,” we dig deeply the global economic system and explored how it is manipulated by banking cabal. We learned that political class is merely a stooge of global capitalistic feudalists. The structure of economy itself has inherent seeds of corruption because structure is knitted around the philosophy of capitalism which is a proven evil. Capitalistic economy invokes the unending hunger of greed, lust and power, and accumulation of wealth. This economy doesn’t focus on the aspects of humanity or in other words it doesn’t cares about the welfare of the humanity. Modern day economy has failed to address the flagrant issues and problems of mankind. We can call it a failed economic model.

The seeds of failure of economy are rooted in its basic principles of modern-day economics which are fabricated around the money.

The signs of ending of free market economy and crash of stock market started emerging everywhere which inevitably will burst out in global disintegration and total collapse of economy. The end of capitalism is sure and inevitable.

Expected Global Poverty by 2030

Humans can’t be dealt merely as physical entities. Man is not only a social being but a psycho-spiritual being too as Consciousness controls human mind and cells. Humanity is the core principle of human existence. Human being essentially requires the favorable condition to develop his/her psychic, psycho-spiritual and intuitive abilities to create the world of prosperity and peace. Therefore, economic principles must support and ensure the wellbeing of everyone. Vedic Arthashastra is originated from Vedas.

Principles of Vedic Arthashastra in Modern Era:

Vedic Arthashastra ensures to create a society where every individual have equal opportunity to develop, explore potential to fulfil his/her dreams and where all resources are utilized in an efficient and sustainable manner. The Vedic Arthashastra offers an integral approach to social change and justice, including people-centered economics, environmental sustainability, and a new model of prosperity. 

The Vedic Arthashastra favors cooperation and a strong ethical leadership, placing the vital needs of people and planet ahead of corporate and individual profit. Vedic Arthashastra offers a socio-economic system which is community focused, decentralized, and sustainable while also embracing the challenges of globalization.

New-age economy based on Vedic Arthashastra supports a market economy that meets the diverse needs of individuals and of society as a whole, without compromising our ecological balance. Capitalism is focused on the maximization of profits to benefit a few; Vedic economy seeks to build wealth for everyone. Its goal is to raise the standard of living so that people can meet their basic needs as well as access resources for satisfying their higher intellectual, artistic, and spiritual aspirations.

To achieve such a thriving economy, we have to redefine the Vedic Arthashastra according to needs of today’s world. The new age economy relies on the principles of Dharma (Dharma is not be taken as religion), which ensures maximum utilization and rational distribution of all resources. Maximum utilization is the adequate and sustainable supply of products and services for human consumption by using the most cost-effective and efficient means possible. This includes the use of advanced, eco-friendly, cradle-to-cradle technologies for higher productivity in order to maintain a balance between human demand and healthy ecosystems. It also comprises of coordinated local economic planning to avoid duplication and to maximize cooperation.

Rational distribution refers to the demand side of the economy. A healthy economy must provide employment for 100% of the working population in the form of jobs or self-employment,  so that they can acquire basic goods and services in the marketplace. Additionally, adequate wages and earnings are essential to sustain the growing demands and needs of the population. To ensure a dynamic economy, new-age economy suggests an incentive system to motivate and reward highly capable and industrious workers. 

Finally, rational distribution also includes dispensing resources to those with special needs who are incapable of participating in the labor market.

The vision of the Vedic Arthashastra is to create a society where every individual can fulfil his or her potential and where all resources are utilized in an efficient, sustainable, and rational manner. The new economic model offers an integral approach to social change and justice, including people centered economics, environmental sustainability, and a new model of prosperity. 

The new age economy favors a truly social welfare state with strong ethical and spiritually motivated leadership. It pledges the vital needs of people and their happy life instead of huge corporate profit and accumulation of wealth. Vedic Economy is a socio-economic system focused on community through decentralized and sustainable development, it also embraces the challenges of globalization.

New model of economy is a development model which aims to turn corporations in which their employees have partnership in management and ownership, while maintaining a thriving small business sector as an effective tool of self-employment generation.

To envision our future, it is vitally important to ask: What kind of world do we want around us? 

Vedic Arthashastra is a spiritually motivated socio-economic alternative model that promotes the welfare and all-around development of everyone. It guarantees to fulfil the minimum necessities to all, the right to job.

Capitalism strongly advocates private ownership of an individual and supports seamless acquisition of all natural and human resources. New age economics proposes a four-tiered economy, including cottage industry, privately owned micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME), cooperative societies and large-scale government owned key industries. These large-scale companies must be considered as National companies. These companies must be regulated by governments. It must be operated and controlled by renowned experts and professionals. 

Principles of Vedic Arthashastra ensures food sovereignty, sustainable agriculture growth, proper utilization of natural and human resources and economic democracy. It’s ethical principles strongly advocate to a paradigm shift from fossil fuel to truly renewable energy(not E.V. or Green Hydrogen etc.), internet that is free from global elites’ control, and seamless free telecommunication.

To ensure the implementation of Vedic Arthashastra or Vedic Economy, it is crucial to adopt the following points:

1. Adaption of new integrated human development index:

For last seven decades, GDP has become a prime instrument to measure economy but it is now proven to be false parameter of measuring growth. Instead of GDP, which is a false parameter for measuring growth of economy, Integrated Human Growth Index (IHGI) should be adopted. The Inventor of GDP, Simon Kuznets also was of an adamant view that GDP has nothing to do with wellbeing. GDP has nothing to do with Physical, Mental, Intellectual, Financial, Social, Environmental, Occupational and Spiritual Wellness of the whole society. GDP doesn’t include clean air, fresh and clean water, toxins free organic food, public services like health, rapid mass transport system etc. 

All eight areas of wellness are inevitable elements of sustainable growth of mankind, but we find that none of the government of the world has adopted total wellness as their prime instrument to measure the economic growth. GDP is more likely to be a game of fudged numbers which doesn’t represent the actual growth.

2. End of Central Banking System and BIS (Bureau of International Standard):

Ending of this system is a must thing in implementation of Vedic Economy. We have already discussed about banksters and their control on the world governments. By total annihilation of this system, world will be debt/slavery free. This will end the open loot and plundering of hard earned public money.

3. Issuing of hundred percent gold backed currency as legal tender:

All the currencies must be printed by government itself only. Total number of printed notes must be printed in accordance with total amount of gold that governments hold. This will end inflation, deflation, or stagflation.

4. End of Delusionary Principle of Demand and Supply :

Almost all the economists and government experts are agreed with this basic principle of economy but none of them seen the perspective in different and holistic manner. All the terms like inflation, deflation, hyperinflation, stagflation have originated from this principle of demand and supply. 

It is often said, that increased money supply creates inflation. Any of this situation emerges due to monopoly of big business houses and big traders which not only have their full control on economy but also, they manipulate for making huge profits.

 The main reason of inflation or deflation, hyperinflation or stagflation is due to countries don’t have developed real time dynamic price stabilizing mechanism. If they have so, this wouldn’t happen in any circumstances. Real time dynamic price stabilization is a system that manages and control all the three sectors of economy and intervenes at the time of crises emerges. We will discuss real time dynamic price stabilization in detail through another article in future.

5. Abolition of Stock Market and Derivative trading :

It is said and asked from people to believe that stock market gives an idea of economy. It is also being said that performance of any company relies on its balance sheet, inventory, expected growth and upcoming projects, cash inflows etc. but in fact, this is not true at all. Companies forge their balance sheets and other data to raise the fund from banks in form of loans, credit limits and other banking instruments. 

Trillions of dollars of black money are lodged in15 tax heavens of the world mostly in Caribbean Islands. A big part of this black money is reinvested in stock market through shell companies and this how globalists manipulate stock market and derivative trading. Derivative trading in commodities is a prime reason of price hikes.

This is an outlay of Vedic Arthashastra, but a question arises that how can this kind of an ideal model of economy be developed and adopted? Modern day governing system led by politicians will not support it by any means because their mindsets are hyper materialistic.

Spiritual Leadership is highly recommended for establishment of Vedic Arthashastra or Vedic Economy. We will discuss about the Spiritual Leadership which is an inevitable future of the world in our upcoming articles.


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