Guru : The Master Karmic Teacher of The World

GururBrahma Guruvishnu Gururdevo Maheshwarah I

Guru Sakshat Param Brahma Tasmay Sri Guruve Namah II

The festival of Guru Purnima is celebrated on the full moon day of Ashadh (July) month. Maharishi Krishna Dwepayan Vyas ji (Veda Vyas) was born on this day, so this festival was celebrated to remember him as a form of reverence. Later on, this festival was celebrated as a festival of offering reverence to the Guru and this tradition continues even today. It would be necessary to clarify here, that Maharishi Vyas ji had composed the Mahabharata and Puranas as well as the Brahma Sutra, whose commentary was written by Adi Shankaracharya 1200 years ago. Maharishi Vyas ji had divided the Vedas into four parts, which we know today as Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda.

From the time of ancient India i.e., Aryavarta till present day India, the main source of knowledge is considered to be the Guru, but when it comes to spiritual knowledge or all main six schools of philosophy, tantra and its deep knowledge, then the highest place among the spiritual gurus comes only to Adi Guru ‘Shree Dakshinamurti’, who is a form of Lord Shiva. Shri Dakshinamurti is considered to be the Adi Guru of all disciplines. At the beginning of creation, the knowledge of Vedas was first given to the three Manas Putra of Brahma ji (created by mental or psychic power), Sanak, Sanandan, Sanatan and Lord Shiva's son Shri Kartikeya, also known as Sanat Kumar. Since then, the tradition of giving oral knowledge of Vedas started. This is known as Guru Shishya Parampara. India is a very ancient country and this divine knowledge has been imparted by thousands of sages to their disciples from the time immemorial.

Today, on the occasion of Guru Purnima, we are initiating “Marg for Peace”  as a tribute to all the ancient and present gurus of India. We anticipate that all our cognizant readers will not only welcome this initiative and appreciate it, but will also spread the web of Vedic Consciousness at the lightning speed by sharing blog and becoming an integral part of our program ‘Marg For Peace’ for welfare and wellbeing of entire human race.

Marg for Peace: Prelude

In the modern period, we have forgotten our Vedic tradition of rich knowledge in the absence of capable and strong spiritual leadership. We are blindly imitating their nuclear family tradition and social system, tradition of western knowledge, western model of governance, education and their tradition of unlimited enjoyment which is mundane and body based, it focuses only on sensual pleasures as a result of which, blind consumerism has immerged and thus, we have fallen into the trough of ignorance.

About 1200 years ago, Shiva Avatar Adi Shankaracharya had reestablished Vedic religion at the highest place and established four Shankaracharya Peethas (Center of divine knowledge) in four different places viz. Joshi Math (Badrinath), Dwarka, Sringeri and Puri and pioneered Advaita philosophy all over India. One Acharya was appointed on each peetha, who must be master of Vedic religion and well versed in Vedic Practices. “He” provided them an Umbrella (Ciborium) and Dharma Dhwaja (Flag), which meant that the position of Shankaracharya was higher than that of the ruler and the king. The governance system will have to make its own customs policy by following principles of  Vedic religion and in case of any dispute, the opinion of Shankaracharya will be supreme. In course of time, this system got weakened under the influence of foreign invaders and the Shankaracharyas who had the responsibility of keeping the governance system under control while protecting the Advaita doctrine themselves forgot their responsibility by getting trapped in the illusion of materiality. This is the reason that neither we could save our education system nor our system of governance and protect our economy.

There is no need to go into detail about what is the situation today. A little bit of money has taken control of our lives. Falling social and family values, the difficulty in earning the sufficient amount of money to fulfil the basic needs of a family. Due to collapse of ancient financial and economic system, it has become very difficult to meet the minimum necessities of life. The people are suffering from diseases, there is sorrow everywhere, unrest in the mind and society and in the midst of all this the country's governance system has been affected. Immoral and criminal conduct of leaders, misusing government money or public money, leading a life of luxury while serving private interests, anti-religious conduct of religious leaders, they are following five-star culture and have close proximity to political parties, politicians and top ruling authorities. At the time of elections, they appeal to their followers, to support these ruling leaders. Due to all these reasons, today we are in turmoil, we feel insecure and experience some unknown fear or unhappiness. The life is becoming more and more complicated day by day in an increasing order.

In such a situation, What should be the solution? What path should we follow so that our life becomes happy, prosperous, wealthy and we can lead our personal and social life with peace?

As it has been told earlier, that only by following the Vedic path, we can achieve all round progress. Only the Vedic path can open the doors of ever lasting peace, happiness and prosperity till the end of life. Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha are the four Purusharthas mentioned in the Vedas. By following these four Purusharthas which are based on Vedas, life can be made happy, peaceful and prosperous in every aspect.

Marg For Peace : An Introduction

In today's time, when Vedic knowledge is on the verge of extinction, then who can guide us or can lead the society on the Vedic way of living? It is obvious that only such spiritual master can guide the entire human race, who is above worldly attachments. One who is not pervaded by illusion or MAYA, aversion, and ignorance, who is an embodiment of renunciation, penance, service and sacrifice, who is the pinnacle of knowledge – Gyan-Yoga, Karma-Yoga and Bhakti-yoga, who has manifested the knowledge of the Vedas, who is endowed with the knowledge of Brahman. Only such spiritual guru can inspire the whole world to follow the Vedic path.

In present time we are blessed with Spiritual Preceptor and Master of Ancient Vedic Practices, who is the Gyan Murti, Dharma Murti, who is famous among his disciples by the name of Guruji, Marg for Peace is being operated under the guidance of Sri Mani Swamiji, the founder of Skandashram (Bhilai). Veda Mantras are actually a compilation of such divine sounds in the form of prayer, by whose correct and regular recitation, we can be free from disease, grief and all our desired wishes can be fulfilled. In the coming times, under the spiritual guidance of Guru ji, through the medium of  Marg for Peace, we will organize completely free prayer meetings based on Veda Mantra, through which all the participant devotees can attain peace and get benefited by various means.

Guruji Shri Mani Swamiji (Founder Skandashram Bhilai)

With the advent of British rule in India, the ancient Vedic education system based Vedic Gurukul and the invaluable tradition of divine knowledge which was derived from Vedas destroyed. In fact, the version of the nature and real meaning of education which has been established in public mindset, remained confined only merely to struggle of achieving a degree and to fulfil his basic necessities. Even if basic necessities gets fulfilled, he will be trapped under the illusionary effect of global capitalism and will keep continue his struggle in amassing unlimited resources for materialistic enjoyment.

The basic objective of education is to awaken the consciousness of the student, to develop the hidden talent within him in such a way that he can live his life with happiness and peace, to make him capable in identifying right and wrong. Nurture him to the level that he can become a good citizen and contribute towards the development of society and nation.

Here raises the question, is our education system able to fulfill these objectives? For how long will our present and future generations continue to suffer from this failed education system? The foundation of any nation is its education system. Just as if the mother in the family is intelligent and cultured, then the whole family becomes cultured and intelligent, in the same way, if there is a system of proper education in the country, then that country will be on the peak of progress, prosperity and power in the world. We are often found to say that in the past, our country was a golden bird, India was at the peak of prosperity, splendor as well as knowledge in the whole world. We also know very well that our Gurukul based Vedic education system was in its origin. Many of us also regrets that our knowledge centers were destroyed by the Mughal invaders and later by Britishers. But here the question arises whether our duty gets fulfilled by doing such gossips? When will we move towards our original Vedic Gurukul based education system? When will we understand that only by the establishing Vedic Gurukul based education system in place of the current education system established by the Britishers, India will once again be able to become a completely sovereign, prosperous and sole super power of the whole world.

Marg for Peace is the answer to these flagrant questions. The main objective of Marg for Peace is to establish peace by restoring Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. These four major principles can only be established by Vedic education system in sync with today's knowledge, science and technology. Since our ancient Gurukul system has been destroyed, all the Vedic Gurukuls that are running today are just confined to prepare the Vedacharyas, who perform Yagya and Puja. Although Vedacharyas are also very much needed in the society, so these Vedic Gurukuls are also very important.

The purpose of Marg for Peace is to establish such a center of excellence for ancient Vedic Practices and where research and development of Vedic science and technology can be conducted, which is very esoteric in nature. Apart from this, through the center of Vedic Knowledge, we can also develop such an education system in the future, by which schools, colleges and universities can become world’s most prestigious education centers by beating the most prestigious education centers of the world.

Today, on the auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima, why don't we take a pledge to establish such a Vedic Gurukulam, where research and development of Vedic knowledge, science and technology can take place. The new Vedic education system can be developed which fulfills  all the needs of today’s time. And the students who came out of that system can lead the nation and society and would bring India back to the status of the top nation. Fortunately, by divine coincidence we also have prominent Spiritual Guru and master of ancient Vedic Practices to guide us. So, shouldn’t we proceed and take strong steps to lay the foundation for the all-round progress of the nation and its golden future.

Marg for Peace actually illuminates the path of living the spiritual way of life keeping in sync with this tumultuous time of today. As the name suggests, the Marg For Peace is a path to peace, not inspired by just an idea propounded by an individual or a group of individuals, but by Vedic knowledge and other sources of ancient Indian knowledge.

If you agree with us, then make your invaluable contribution by joining Marg for Peace.

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In the end, wishing you all cognizant readers a very Happy Guru Purnima. God bless you all.

Jay Jay Kartikeya


  1. Jay Jay karthike Satguru ko Mera बार-बार Pranam कोटि-कोटि Naman main Rajni Sharma Jaipur se


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