The Age of Illusion: Awakening Consciousness and the Pursuit of Peace


We are currently witnessing the last phase of the age of Kaliyuga, a critical period characterized by the intensification of Maya, the illusionary force that tightly grips human consciousness. As a result, illusory concepts have emerged, becoming the guiding principles of humanity. Two prominent illusory concepts are the distorted understanding of God and Nature, and the reduction of human beings to mere physical entities, leading to the rise of consumerism, a creation of capitalism as we have discussed in our previous article.

The world as a whole is teetering on the brink of collapsing its social-economic fabric, with approximately 99% of the population facing an existential crisis. Simultaneously, there is a growing atmosphere that promotes the adoption of vicious policies worldwide, orchestrated under the banner of organizations such as the World Economic Forum (WEF). These policies encompass various aspects, including the manipulation of events like the pandemic, forced mass vaccinations, the imposition of digital IDs and digital economies, the promotion of transgenderism and LGBTQ, debt slavery, instigation of wars for land and resources, suppression of people's resistance, artificial economic recessions, elimination of cash, and the introduction of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). These agendas are being implemented in multiple countries simultaneously, targeting leaders who reject these policies.

Moreover, we are witnessing a rise in dictatorship disguised under the façade of democracy in several countries. Leaders, under the guise of being democratically elected, manipulate public sentiments by fueling conflicts based on religion, caste, race, language, and regionalism. They utilize money power, election rigging, and repression to retain their power. The ethical principles and morality of good governance have been abandoned by these power-hungry rulers, and this trend is not limited to any specific country but is occurring simultaneously across the world. When the public opposes their draconian policies, they suppress dissent using security forces.

If the people are not repressed or are allowed to freely voice their opposition, most rulers in so-called democratic countries would lose their power. It is crucial to awaken the dormant consciousness of the people at this time. They must open their eyes to the imminent catastrophe that threatens to ruin their lives permanently. It is necessary to identify the hidden characters who manipulate rulers from behind the scenes. History attests that when the public unites, the foundations of the rulers' thrones tremble, leading to their downfall.

It is essential to understand that all the politicians of the world combined have failed to establish world peace, and they never will. This is because we are in the final phase of Kaliyuga. In these adverse times, the "Marg for Peace" has emerged as a beacon of hope, with its primary objective being the establishment of peace worldwide. However, peace can only be achieved through unity. Forces of evil quickly gather together, while good people face challenges in organizing themselves due to the illusion created by the rulers and their established perceptions.

Those who are disenchanted with their respective systems, governments, and rulers can play a pivotal role in the upcoming era by joining the Marg for Peace. The choice lies with each individual. Our present circumstances are a result of our actions and karmas. Thoughts serve as the foundation of karma. Therefore, if one wishes to continue with the current mental state, that is their choice. However, for those seeking a change in their lives, society, or country, becoming an integral part of Marg For Peace is the path to follow.


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