Understanding the realm of God ( Part 1)

Everybody is familiar with word God in which G stands for Generator, O stands for Operator and D stands for Destroyer of the universe.

Vedic Scriptures describes the nature and God. According to Vedas the whole universe is being originated from sound. What is sound? According to modern science, it is vibration. "If you examine the core of an atom you will realize that all matter is one." According to Advaitic conclusion, all this world is one flow of energy (shakti); everything is an electromagnetic flow, but how do we account for the manifestation of different objects? It is to be attributed to different type of vibrations.

Modern nuclear science and the concepts of Einstein has arrived to the same conclusion. Where there is vibration there is a sound. Conversely, to produce a sound the vibration corresponding to it must also be created. The scientific concept that the different vibrations of the same energy are the cause of creation is the same as the belief that world was created with the breath of the Paramatman manifesting itself as the sound of the Vedas.

The very first primal sound is ‘Om’. Guruji Shri Mani Swami Ji who was the founder of Skandashram Bhilai. He was the master of Ancient Vedic Practices and  great Spiritual Guru; elaborated the ultimate Brahman or Supreme God through this Vedic hymn.

 Nirgunasya Nirakarah Shabdah Prnavakar Jyotirmaya Rudra.

 निर्गुणस्य निराकार : शब्द:  प्रणवाकार ज्योतिर्मय रुद्र :

 The ultimate Brahman or Supreme God has no attributes, in Sanskrit  attributes are known as Guna viz. Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic. Now let’s decode the hymn.

Nirakara means God is formless and have no particular shape, size (invisible). Supreme God is the sound of Pranava (Omkar). This ultimate primal sound of Omkar is the luminous light so Rudra is attribute less, formless sound of Omkar with luminous light.

There are 11 Rudra which collectively known as Rudra. The 11 Rudra are:

1. Mahadeva, 2. Shiva, 3. Rudra, 4. Shankar, 5. Nelalohita, 6. Eashana, 7. Vijaya, 8. Bhima, 9. Dev Deva, 10. Bhavodh Bhava, 11. Adityatamaha Shri Rudra.

 These 11 Rudra always remain with each and every single person of this earth, right from his birth to death and can easily be understood in other form of 5 basic or fundamental elements such as

1. Space (Aakash), 2. Air (Vayu), 3. Fire (Agni), 4. Water (Jala), 5. Earth (Bhumi), 6. Sound (Om), 7. Time (Kala), 8. Brahma (Creator or Generator), 9.Vishnu (Operator), 10. Mahesh (Destroyer), 11.Adityatamaha i.e. Sun (Soorya).

This is the phenomenon of the universe through which God governs not only the universe but also the human organism.

Vedas tells us the way of living in accordance with the nature. If you keenly watch the life style of ancient Indians, you will find that they always obeyed the rules of nature, their rituals are deeply connected and rooted with nature, though western intellectuals declared them worshiper of natural forces and called them backward, but western intellectuals remain failed to understand the science behind the rituals of ancient Indians including yajnas. Most of the people doesn’t understand nature. What is nature? however it is a very waste deep subject but I will try to describe the nature as per the Ancient Vedic Scriptures in next blog but here it’s important to know that, whatever we see, hear or perceive comes under the scope of Nature.

 According to Gita, Lord Krishna described His two types of Nature; the first one is eight folded low level nature i.e. Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and ego and second is high level nature which is called consciousness.

 What is happening today in the age of Kaliyuga, mankind has badly engaged in the low level of nature of God and forget to dive deep into the ocean of high level of consciousness which is the true nature of Supreme God Krishna. It’s the main reason of rise of destructive forces which are forcefully endangering the planet and the very human existence in the name of development and technological advancement.





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