Lord Kartikeya: The Celestial Kundalini Master and The Ruling God of Kaliyuga (Part 2)

Lord Subrahmanya is an Avatara of Lord Shiva. All incarnations are manifestations of the One Supreme Lord. Lord Subrahmanya and Lord Krishna are one. Lord Krishna says in the Gita, “Senaninam Aham Skandah,”—(Of the Generals, I am Skanda). The Lord manifests Himself from time to time in various names and forms for establishing Dharma and punishing the wicked.

Lord Subrahmanya is a ray born of the Chaitanya of Lord Shiva. He is the energy of Lord Shiva. Valli and Deivayani are His two divine consorts. They represent the Iccha Shakti (will power) and the Kriya Shakti (Power of action) of the Lord. He is a Pratyaksha (discernible through realization) Devata in this Kali Yuga, like Hanuman. He bestows material and spiritual prosperity and success on his devotees in all their undertakings, even at the slightest devotion shown to Him.


In the picture, Lord-Subrahmanya holds the Vel or Spear in His hand, just as Lord Siva holds the Trident or Trishula. The Vel is an emblem of Cosmic Power, and indicates that He is the ruler of this Universe. Devotees of Lord Subrahmanya do obeisance to the Vel. His vehicle or Vahana is the peacock: this is by way of representation that he has entirely conquered pride, egoism, vanity. There is a cobra under His feet: this is to indicate that He is absolutely fearless, immortal, and wise. Valli is on His one side, Devayani is on the other. Sometimes, He stands alone with the Vel. He is then called by the name of Dandapani. This represents His Nirguna aspect which is free from Maya. The worship of Lord Shanmukha is very common in South India. Almost every town in the South has its temple dedicated to Lord Shanmukha. The Tamils have named Shanmukha as Murugan. Just as the God of Winds is Vayu, the God of Waters Varuna, the Tamil term for the Lord of Nature is Murugan.

Lord Kartikeya
Lord Kartikeya

The term Murugan in Tamil, denotes the Deity possessed of un decaying beauty, everlasting youth, and Godliness. Any Deity who is endowed with the above attributes is truly Murugan. Hence the worship of Skanda or Murugan does not pertain to any sect or creed. Perhaps it is the outcome of an inherent desire of man to express his gratitude for an unknown and hidden Power, which bestows upon him every good and removes all his sufferings. Worship of Lord Murugan is tantamount to the worship of Nature. As Nature abounds with soul-stirring and inspiring landscapes and is the source and support of all living beings on earth, the ancients have thought it right to glorify Nature.

He is depicted with six faces and twelve hands. His Swarupa is Jyotirmaya (Luminous). On the earth plane, every human being is an outcome of the five elements and the spirit within him. When the Lord took the human form, He was accordingly depicted in the same manner. Hence the spirit, signified by the sparks from Shiva, took the appearance of a human personality, whose body comprised the five elements and who is the Lord of them, six heads of Lord Subrahmanya represent the six centres of energy (Chakras) within. Each head is of the form of each Devata of the six Chakras. These six faces represent the following:

Five, one element each: ether, air, fire, water, and earth. The sixth face represents the supreme consciousness which in other words known as intuition or sixth sense. We have described each element’s source in Part 1.

Seven Chakras
Seven Chakras

The six chakras are present in every human being. Each chakra is associated with one fundamental element viz. Mooladhar Chakra is the energy field of Earth Element, Swadhishthan Chakra is connected with Water Element, Manipura Chakra is associated with Fire Element, Anahata Chakra represents Air Element, Vishuddha Chakra represents Akasha Element and Aagya Chakra is all about the pure knowledge, intuition or gyaan. 

What is Kundalini Shakti? Kundalini shakti means the supreme power in dormant condition in the form of sound vibration. This power is known as Adi Para Shakti. The process of awakening the Kundalini Shakti goes through all seven chakras. These seven chakras on cosmic level are known as Bhu, Bhuva, Swah, Tapa, Maha, Jana and Satya Lokas or worlds. An aspirant has to awaken all chakras and connect it with celestial form of chakras which already have mentioned above. In Tantrik scriptures, kundalini power is called as Serpent power. Lord Subramanya is known as Naga Raja or the king of serpents. Subramanya is serpent form of kundalini shakti hence he is the Celestial Kundalini Master. This way, we conclude that Lord Subrahmanya is Para Brahman and not a mere divine being. Therefore, meditation on Lord Subrahmanya, according to the devotees, is the surest way to obtain intuitive knowledge of Brahman. Lord Subrahmanya is absolute knowledge itself; therefore, meditation on Him is productive of this Knowledge.

Kaliyuga is the age of darkness, ignorance, war, sins, and demonic human nature. Lord Kartikeya is the God of war, he is Param Jyoti (Absolute Consciousness) hence, he is all capable in ending the darkness, ignorance, sins, and demons of our times. That is why, he is considered as the Ruling God of Kaliyuga. 

Note: In today’s time, internet is flooded with so many misconceptions about awakening kundalini shakti and chakras. Therefore, in wider interest of the people here, through this blog we advise to follow the process of kundalini awakening only though the master of this knowledge or otherwise life may be turned into living hell.


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