How to overcome Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety Disorder
Image source: John Hain from Pixabay

In today's time, a significant portion of the population is facing a serious threat of anxiety. Let's understand what anxiety is and how you can determine if you are experiencing an anxiety disorder. 

Worrying is the body's natural response to stress. It can be a general fear or a sense of apprehension about upcoming events. Many individuals feel intimidated and nervous on occasions like the first day of school, a job interview, or giving a speech. Concerns about society's perception of you or being disturbed by small things happening around you are part of human nature and are considered normal. 

Many individuals experience nervousness and anxiety when faced with situations such as relocating, starting a new job, or taking an exam. These symptoms are quite common and can be unsettling. However, they can also serve as motivation to work harder and achieve better outcomes. Worrying is typically a transient feeling that comes and goes, and it can be a significant part of daily life. 

However, if you find yourself constantly feeling nervous and worried, and if this is negatively impacting your health and overall well-being, it is possible that you may be suffering from an anxiety disorder. In this article, we will discuss the meaning of anxiety disorder and provide strategies for overcoming it.

Anxiety disorder is distinct from normal levels of anxiety. Unlike occasional feelings of anxiety, individuals with an anxiety disorder experience persistent and overwhelming anxiety that significantly interferes with their daily life. Anxiety disorders encompass a group of mental illnesses characterized by intense feelings of anxiety or fear that are severe enough to hinder one's ability to carry out regular activities.

Living with an anxiety disorder can restrict individuals from engaging in activities they once enjoyed. It may prevent them from entering an elevator, crossing the street, or even leaving their home. If left untreated, anxiety disorders can have serious consequences and may pose a risk to one's life. It is worth noting that women are more prone to developing anxiety disorders compared to men. 

There are several types of anxiety disorders, each characterized by distinct symptoms and triggers:

1. Panic Disorder: This disorder involves sudden and intense fear or panic attacks, often accompanied by physical symptoms such as chest pain, sweating, and palpitations. It can make you feel as though you are suffocating or having a heart attack.

2. Social Anxiety Disorder: Also known as social phobia, this disorder causes excessive worry and self-consciousness in everyday social situations. It leads to a fear of being judged or humiliated by others, influencing decision-making based on assumptions about how people will react.

3. Specific Phobias: This type of anxiety disorder involves an extreme and irrational fear of a specific object or situation, such as heights or flying. The fear can be overwhelming and may even impact you in non-threatening situations.

4. Generalized Anxiety Disorder: This disorder is characterized by excessive and persistent worry and tension that occurs without any specific cause. The worry is often unrealistic and disproportionate to the actual situation.

Symptoms of anxiety disorder can vary from person to person and may include:

Increased heart rate, rapid breathing, restlessness, trouble concentrating, sleeplessness, fainting or dizziness, shortness of breath, dry mouth, excessive sweating, chills or hot flushes, weight loss or gain, feelings of dread, and numbness etc. It's important to note that everyone's experience with anxiety can be different, and identifying your specific symptoms is crucial.

When it comes to the causes of anxiety, medical science is not able to determine exact factors yet. However, individuals often manage the disorder by recognizing their symptoms and making lifestyle changes. In moderate to severe cases, treatment can be beneficial in reducing symptoms and improving daily functioning.

There are two main categories of treatment for anxiety disorder: psychotherapy and medications. Psychotherapy, such as therapy with a trained therapist or psychologist, can help individuals learn coping mechanisms and techniques to manage anxiety. Medications, such as antidepressants and sedatives, can help balance brain chemistry, alleviate anxiety, and ease severe symptoms. However, psychotherapy may provide only temporary relief, and medications can have significant side effects on the body. As a result, both treatment approaches may have limitations in fully addressing the disorder.

The causes of anxiety disorder can be attributed to various factors, including mental illness and fear. Fear, in particular, plays a significant role in triggering anxiety disorder. It can stem from the pressure to succeed in a highly competitive environment, lack of confidence, family disintegration, and the impact of technological advancements, where social media has replaced traditional social networks. Achieving wellness in eight key areas—physical, mental, intellectual, social, environmental, occupational, financial, and spiritual—is essential for overall peace and prosperity. However, it is rare for any country in the world to fully fulfil all these areas of wellness.

To overcome anxiety disorder, practicing daily yoga and chanting Vedic Mantras under the guidance of an experienced master in Yoga and ancient Vedic practices can be beneficial. While the theoretical understanding of yoga provides an initial idea, practical implementation is necessary for desired results.

At Marg For Peace, we offer free spiritual services to all individuals interested in exploring Vedic Mantra Yoga. Whether you are currently experiencing anxiety disorder or on the verge of it, what truly matters is your unwavering faith and reverence for this practice. If you wish to join us, please reach out to us via email at .


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