Reprogramming Human Body and Mind

Reprogramming of mind and body
Reprogramming of Human Mind and Body

Machines have played a significant role in human life over the past few centuries. With the invention of the computer, machines reached a significant milestone. Currently, we are in the era of artificial intelligence, which continues to advance. Scientists are now dedicated to studying the most precious machine known as the Human Organism.

The issue with scientists lies in their perspective and understanding of medical science. They approach the human body and mind with the same mindset as they do with non-living machines. The problem lies in their attitude and level of comprehension. They believe they can manipulate DNA, artificially create new neural circuits and connections. They draw comparisons between the human body and mind and the workings of computer software, based on the development of computers influenced by the functioning of the mind.

The idea of intervening in the operations of the human body and mind reached an alarming level of insanity when scientists invented CRISPR gene editing technology and began implanting microchips in the human brain or hand. Their more satanic plans are evident as they strive to develop a trans-human or cyborg, which refers to a "cybernetic organism," combining biological and technological elements. Initially, this term was used to describe systems where biology and technology are intricately connected.

To be termed a cyborg, an entity must generally possess abilities that are greater than those displayed by either its biological or technical components alone. Brain implants, according to scientists, will boost human memory in the future. Passwords and keys would be replaced with implanted magnets or RFID chips in fingers. Exo-skeletons will augment human strength and a wide variety of human capacities. As a result, this technology will eliminate characteristics such as empathy, creativity, or the ability to change, emotions, and many other characteristics that distinguish humans from other creatures.

Do you believe it will be simple to strike the correct balance between technology and humanity? Who can ensure that when RFID chips are implanted in humans, they will not harm the cellular structure of the body and that this technology will not be abused? Is this the only way to improve the human organism?

The answer is simple. All that is required is a shift in the direction of the thought process. We do not need to rush towards technology advancement to upgrade or reprogram human potential, skills, mental and physical abilities to the next level or to a bigger extent. 

As Nobel Laureate Alexis Carrel said in his classic book "Man, the Unknown," the time has come to demolish all misconceptions based on Newtonian science of reduction.

For reprograming or upgrading, we must focus on the entire human organism. We must embrace Vedic science, which is the science of the supreme soul. The Vedas are the encyclopedia of all knowledge.

In the current Kaliyuga epoch, the Vedas represent the human being as an embodiment of the Supreme God. If we unravel this philosophy, it outlines how, in the Kaliyuga age, human beings are designed with superhuman capacities and can develop exceptional attributes that are ordinarily beyond the vision of current science. This practical knowledge was created by ancient sages as a gift for the benefit of mankind. One of them is the art of Yoga, which we discussed in depth in our earlier article 'Yoga.'

It is vital to highlight here that the knowledge imparted in the previous world was simply a theoretical expression of the vast knowledge.

If you do not want to follow current science's reductionist and irrational path, where human existence will come to a halt, then get in touch with us. As always, the choice is yours. You can practice Vedic Mantra Yoga to achieve the same results that we do for free as part of our Spiritual Service. This is how you can naturally reprogram your organism. All that is required is a strong wish and trust.

Those of you who wish to develop yourself according to the ancient knowledge of Vedas and reprogram your body and mind can contact us at




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