
Showing posts from May, 2023
Fundamentals of Spiritual Leadership in Vedas Chanakya Neeti In our last article we discussed a lot about Capitalism and Vedic Arthashastra as its alternative. We also determined that all the world wide chaos aroused from the cocktail of global capitalists and politicians. The final out come of our last two articles” Political Leadership: An Obsolete Concept (Part 1and Part 2) is that the present day leadership is unbale to establish peace, prosperity, sustainable development in accordance with nature and even can’t prevail the justice.  If it is so, then which kind of leadership can provide everything mentioned above? The answer is, only Spiritual Leadership can prevail the Peace, Prosperity, Justice and off course all-around human development and integrated growth. Integrated growth includes total wellness.  Here, we must learn the real meaning of Spiritual Leadership. According to Vedas Spiritual Leadership means the leadership motivated, inspired and driven by four core principles
  Vedic Arthashastra: The New Age Economy In our last article, “Political Leadership: An Obsolete Concept,” we dig deeply the global economic system and explored how it is manipulated by banking cabal. We learned that political class is merely a stooge of global capitalistic feudalists. The structure of economy itself has inherent seeds of corruption because structure is knitted around the philosophy of capitalism which is a proven evil. Capitalistic economy invokes the unending hunger of greed, lust and power, and accumulation of wealth. This economy doesn’t focus on the aspects of humanity or in other words it doesn’t cares about the welfare of the humanity. Modern day economy has failed to address the flagrant issues and problems of mankind. We can call it a failed economic model. The seeds of failure of economy are rooted in its basic principles of modern-day economics which are fabricated around the money. The signs of ending of free market economy and crash of stock market starte
Political Leadership: An obsolete Concept (Part 2) In our article of dated 11 th April 2023, " Political Leadership: An obsolete Concept (Part 1) ", we discussed all around failure of Political Governance and Leadership and established the fact that both capitalism and democracy, led by political leadership are the two sides of one coin. In this article we will re-examine the basic principles of present day economy which is the mother of capitalism and political leadership. According to Wikipedia, the definition of economy:  “An economy is an area of the Production, distribution and trade, as well as consumption of goods and services. In general, it is defined as a social domain that emphasize the practices, discourses, and material expressions associated with the production, use, and management of scarce resources. A given economy is a set of processes that involves its culture, values, education, technological evolution, history, social organization, political struct
Lord Kartikeya: The Celestial Kundalini Master and The Ruling God of Kaliyuga (Part 2) Lord Subrahmanya is an Avatara of Lord Shiva. All incarnations are manifestations of the One Supreme Lord. Lord Subrahmanya and Lord Krishna are one. Lord Krishna says in the Gita, “Senaninam Aham Skandah,”—(Of the Generals, I am Skanda). The Lord manifests Himself from time to time in various names and forms for establishing Dharma and punishing the wicked. Lord Subrahmanya is a ray born of the Chaitanya of Lord Shiva. He is the energy of Lord Shiva. Valli and Deivayani are His two divine consorts. They represent the Iccha Shakti (will power) and the Kriya Shakti (Power of action) of the Lord. He is a Pratyaksha (discernible through realization) Devata in this Kali Yuga, like Hanuman. He bestows material and spiritual prosperity and success on his devotees in all their undertakings, even at the slightest devotion shown to Him. Vel In the picture, Lord-Subrahmanya holds the Vel or Spear in His hand,
  Lord Kartikeya: The Celestial Kundalini Master and The Ruling God of Kaliyuga   Pictorial Depiction of Lord Kartikeya THE NEED OF SKANDA-SHAKTI IN SPIRITUAL SADHANA( Part 1)   Lord Kartikeya is   also known as Shanmukha, is adored, and worshipped with intense faith and devotion throughout South India, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Singapore and Malaysia, South Africa. Naturally it will be of great interest to all his devotees in particular and rest of the people of the present-day world to know more about him, the significance of his birth and his life and career as a victorious general specially in present age of Kaliyuga. We may even say that He is Personified supreme power of Lord Shiva himself. This great Avatars of Kartikeya is of deep significance and of very special importance to us, who have dedicated ourselves to the spiritual ideal, who have, by the Grace of God, begun to feel that the real purpose of life is not to be attained by enjoyment of the perishable objects of
    Relativity and Time Travel in Bhagavata Purana & Tripura Rahasya Time travel and theory of relativity are still science-fiction subjects for present day human beings, but in puranas, they’ve been discussed multiple times. One such classic example is that of King Kakudmi and his daughter Revati, who travelled to different  Loka  (Different worlds beyond the reach of human mind or perception/d imensions ) and returned to earth in future time . However, Brahma comforted him, and added that Vishnu, the preserver, was currently incarnate on earth in the forms of Krishna and Balarama, and he recommended Balarama as a worthy husband for Revati.  Their marriage was then duly celebrated. King Muchukunda agreed to help them and fought against the demons for a long time. Since the deities did not have an able commander, king Muchukunda protected them against the demonic onslaught, until the deities got an able commander like  Kartikeya , the son of Lord Shiva. Indra said, “ So be it,
  The Only Solution Lies in the Advaita Vedanta (Concluding Part )   Erwin Schrödinger, Werner Heisenberg, Niels Bohr ,Einstein Got the Idea of Quantum Mechanics from Vedas- Erwin Schrödinger studied the Vedas extensively. The famous Danish physicist and Nobel Prize winner, Niels Bohr was a follower of the Vedas. He said, “I go into the Upanishads to ask questions.” Both Bohr and Schrödinger were avid readers of the Vedic texts and observed that their experiments in quantum physics were consistent with what they had read in the Vedas. Niels Bohr got the ball rolling around 1900 by explaining why atoms emit and absorb electromagnetic radiation only at certain frequencies. Then, in the 1920’s Erwin Schrödinger, an Austrian-Irish physicist who won the Nobel prize, came up with his famous wave equation that predicts how the Quantum Mechanical wave function changes with time. Wave functions are used in Quantum Mechanics to determine how particles move and interact with time. In th