Political Leadership: An obsolete Concept (Part 2)

In our article of dated 11th April 2023, "Political Leadership: An obsolete Concept (Part 1)", we discussed all around failure of Political Governance and Leadership and established the fact that both capitalism and democracy, led by political leadership are the two sides of one coin.

In this article we will re-examine the basic principles of present day economy which is the mother of capitalism and political leadership.

According to Wikipedia, the definition of economy: “An economy is an area of the Production, distribution and trade, as well as consumption of goods and services. In general, it is defined as a social domain that emphasize the practices, discourses, and material expressions associated with the production, use, and management of scarce resources. A given economy is a set of processes that involves its culture, values, education, technological evolution, history, social organization, political structure, legal systems, and natural resources as main factors. These factors give context, content, and set the conditions and parameters in which an economy function. In other words, the economic domain is a social domain of interrelated human practices and transactions that does not stand alone.”

As a matter of fact, economy impacts everything which exists on planet earth. It impacts entire humanity. Again, question arises who controls the economy? The answer is simple, economy is controlled through banking system by global elites.


The above pictures show clearly who controls the money and whoever controls the money controls the world. The below content is taken from the book, "THE HIDDEN HISTORY OF MONEY & FEUDAL ORDER USUR SECRETS,” compiled by Alexander James. If anyone wants to know in detail please go through the link. Here is summary of book’s major points in quotes.

“Money is needed by everyone to facilitate exchange of goods and services as bartering is not always practical 

• In the past, Paper money issued by a money changer used to represent a receipt for some commodity that exists, e.g., gold, silver, etc.

• Today’s money is a token “promise to pay,” which is “created from nothing” by the issuer at no liability to himself using the people’s productivity as collateral without their permission, i.e., the “promise to pay” is a collective liability against the entire country and this token is given value by the people who produce goods and services and not by its issuer or creator

• An infinite amount of credit can be created by those Banksters who have usurped the power to issue credit, thus they are the Neo-Feudal Lords of the World and can buy-out anything/anyone to tighten their power

• This fiat money then acts like shares who value gets diluted as new shares are issued

• The ones who are “the creators of money” control the issue of money, can then control governments, corporations, individuals, i.e., they can create oversupplies and shortages of money, buy-out assets, etc.

• Any new credit created causes a devaluation of the existing currency, thus inflation takes away your current currency-based wealth and your earning power as well as your power to pay interest on any existing debt and your power to buy future goods 

• All money in circulation represents a debt that is being paid with interest by someone (a government, a corporation, a person). The associated interest is not created into the system thus assuring a shortfall unless more debt is assumed to create additional money

• Private Banking Dynastic Families have always had control over the issue of money since ancient times and have usurped our birth right to be free, transferred all liabilities to us as eternal debt and bail-outs for their cronies

• Private Banking Dynasties have used lies, propaganda, education, media control, religious cults, stooges, blackmail, threats, suicidal murders, assassinations, terrorism, wars, and currency manipulations to maintain their hegemony over a World currency, control over the issue of money and increase their wealth and power over governments and legislations.

Criminal Private Banking Dynasties/Cabals are the rulers of the World and are the force behind governments, thrones, major corporations, tax-exempt foundations, secretive societies, and legislations

 • Currently, the privately owned Federal Reserve Banks’ Note (FRNs) US Dollar is the World’s currency as it is demanded by all exporting countries in exchange for goods/services they trade internationally

 • This allows the Banking Dynasties to use the United States as their muscle around the World to maintain their power and wage currency wars for their hegemony, while they can keep buying anything they want by merely issuing FRNs, giving nothing in return, and forcing the trade deficit into Treasury Bill paper at the point of their big guns 

• If there were no debt, there would be no money supply, i.e., we are eternally indebted to the Banksters into an eternally growing production and debt until the system collapses leading us into destitution and slavery at the mercy of the Bank Lords

• As the Banksters create more and more money, previously issued money becomes increasingly worth less. Please note that inflation is a hidden tax on money itself. Taxes go to enrich the Bank Lords to pay them their usury Tribute 

• Democracy and freedom are actually a front for the Bank Lords’ economic dictatorship

• This money system loved by the Bank Lords is dependent on perpetually accelerating growth and therefore is not sustainable.


It has been now a proven fact that all the prime instruments and theories of modern-day economy are merely the instruments to centralize the money into the hands of few people and this is why we are witnessing endless wars, chaos, and never ending problems at every level of life from individual to family to society and at last, at the world stage.

If mankind or humanity wants to change this situation, we have to first get awakened and united to fight against this system. Then we have to look forward for a new age economic system which should be corruption free and based on total welfare of entire living being and must not be limited to only human being.

Due to this current economic system, peace cannot be established which is an ultimate goal of human life and Marg For Peace is a global initiative for establishing peace in the world.

We will discuss on corruption and alternate to this economy in our upcoming articles.



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