
Showing posts from June, 2023
  How to overcome Anxiety Disorder Image source: John Hain from Pixabay In today's time, a significant portion of the population is facing a serious threat of anxiety. Let's understand what anxiety is and how you can determine if you are experiencing an anxiety disorder.   Worrying is the body's natural response to stress. It can be a general fear or a sense of apprehension about upcoming events. Many individuals feel intimidated and nervous on occasions like the first day of school, a job interview, or giving a speech. Concerns about society's perception of you or being disturbed by small things happening around you are part of human nature and are considered normal.   Many individuals experience nervousness and anxiety when faced with situations such as relocating, starting a new job, or taking an exam. These symptoms are quite common and can be unsettling. However, they can also serve as motivation to work harder and achieve better outcomes. Worrying is typicall
  Reprogramming Human Body and Mind Reprogramming of Human Mind and Body Machines have played a significant role in human life over the past few centuries. With the invention of the computer, machines reached a significant milestone. Currently, we are in the era of artificial intelligence, which continues to advance. Scientists are now dedicated to studying the most precious machine known as the Human Organism. The issue with scientists lies in their perspective and understanding of medical science. They approach the human body and mind with the same mindset as they do with non-living machines. The problem lies in their attitude and level of comprehension. They believe they can manipulate DNA, artificially create new neural circuits and connections. They draw comparisons between the human body and mind and the workings of computer software, based on the development of computers influenced by the functioning of the mind. The idea of intervening in the operations of the human body an
The Age of Illusion: Awakening Consciousness and the Pursuit of Peace We are currently witnessing the last phase of the age of Kaliyuga, a critical period characterized by the intensification of Maya, the illusionary force that tightly grips human consciousness. As a result, illusory concepts have emerged, becoming the guiding principles of humanity. Two prominent illusory concepts are the distorted understanding of God and Nature, and the reduction of human beings to mere physical entities, leading to the rise of consumerism, a creation of capitalism as we have discussed in our previous article . The world as a whole is teetering on the brink of collapsing its social-economic fabric, with approximately 99% of the population facing an existential crisis. Simultaneously, there is a growing atmosphere that promotes the adoption of vicious policies worldwide, orchestrated under the banner of organizations such as the World Economic Forum (WEF). These policies encompass various aspects, in
  Yoga: The Practical Aspect of Advaita Vedanta Yoga    21 st June is celebrated as International Yoga Day. We are dedicating this article to Yoga. The literal meaning of Yoga is ‘union.’ Though in mathematics, yoga means to add something or addition. Yoga is one but there are numerous methodologies of practicing yoga developed over thousands of millennium years. Here it will be worthful to take the notice of different distorted version of Yoga Vidya which has been in fashion today, especially in the west. The promotors of these low grade and distorted versions of Yoga have named it Hot yoga and Power Yoga etc. It has also been observed that in the name of Kundalini Yoga, there are certain elements who are propagating insane version of Kundalini Yoga tantra. There are numerous persons who are making huge amount of money by making fool of innocent people who wants to learn Yoga and attain the Peace in their lives. Here in India, which is progenitor of Yoga Tantra, people have red
Exploring the Influence of Vedic Culture in  Africa In ancient Vedic tradition, the continent of Africa was referred to as Kusha Deep or Kusha Dwipa. There were two reasons behind this designation. Firstly, large areas of land in Africa were characterized by the presence of tall grass known as Kusha grass in Sanskrit. Secondly, according to Vedic lore, after the war between Rama and Ravana, the administration of the continent was entrusted to Rama's son Kush or Cusha. This connection is further supported by the mention of Africans as Cushites in some African school textbooks, which aligns with the information mentioned above.  Ancient Africa: Kusha Dweepa Swami Krishnanand once visited Haile Selassie, the monarch of Abyssinia, and presented him with a copy of the Ramayana. Krishnanand believed that Christian rulers like Haile Selassie might not be familiar with the book, but he was pleasantly surprised when the monarch responded, saying, "This is nothing new to us. We Africans
Tracing Ancient Indian Influence in Middle East: Unveiling Historical Connections (Part 2) In previous article (Part 1), we discussed about the influence of Vedic Dharma in Middle east, and will continue to conclude the remaining part in this article.  The Sumerians: The Sumerians, considered early inhabitants of Mesopotamia in the Middle East, were believed to have originated from or been associated with Bharat Varsha. According to their accounts, the Sumerians migrated to the Euphrates and Tigris river valleys around four thousand years BCE, introducing well-developed aspects of civilization, including a written language and a legal system. While the exact location of their original homeland remains uncertain, several researchers have suggested that the Sumerians were connected to Vedic Aryan culture, indicating their potential origins in Bharat Varsha. Sir Arthur Keith's extensive research led him to the conclusion that remnants of the ancient Sumerians can be identified among t
Tracing Ancient Indian Influence in Middle East: Unveiling Historical Connections From ancient times, this region has maintained significant connections with India, extending westward. It is widely believed that this area was originally a part of the greater Bharat Varsha before the historic Kurukshetra war, which occurred approximately 5,000 years ago. The ancient epic Ramayana mentions that Valmiki described the region known as present-day Afghanistan as Gandharva desh. It was ruled by Pushkal and Taksha, the sons of Bharat, who was the brother of Lord Sri Rama. They defeated the Gandharvas and established their rule in the capital cities of Pushkalavati (known as Pukli in Afghanistan) and Takshashila, which is now located in Pakistan. Over time, Gandharva desh transformed into Gandhar during the era of the Mahabharata. It is interesting to note that a princess from Gandhar named Gandhari married a prince from Hastinapur named Dhritarashtra. After their defeat, the Gandharvas migrate
The History Of Ancient India: Jambu-dwipa Bharatha-varsha  The entire landmass in the northern hemisphere was said to be ringed by ocean in all directions in ancient Indian geography. The name of this enormous earthly landmass was Jambu-dwipa. ‘Dwipa’ is the Sanskrit word for island. Modern-day Asia, Europe, Africa, and North America made up Jambu-dwipa. One of the nine varshas (geographical regions) that made up this Jambu-dwipa was the Bharatha-Varsha. Ketumula-Varsha, Hari-Varsha, Ilavrita-Varsha, Kuru-Varsha, Hiranyaka-Varsha, Ramyaka-Varsha, Kimpurusha-Varsha, and Bhadrasva-Varsha were the other eight Varshas. Ilavrita-Varsha was among them and was located in the Arctic, near the modern North Pole. The Approximate Geography of Ancient World: Ancient India "Jambu-dweepa" The map in the image above shows the old world as described in the Vedas and other sacred texts. The image of Jambu-dwipa and the nava varshas in this location are explained in depth by the map. The North
  Fundamentals of Spiritual Leadership in Vedas (Part 2)   In our last article we discussed two principles out of five principles of fundamental of spiritual leadership. We discussed that Sukham (Happiness) is the goal of life and Dharma ( Path of Righteousness) is the foundation of Sukham (Happiness). Rest of the three we are going to discuss in this article. We start with third principle. 3. Artha is the foundation of Dharma:  Artha appears in the early Vedic literature, including the Rig Veda, and denotes the purpose, objective, or aim of human life. During the Upanishadic era (about 1700 BCE to 500 BCE), Artha grew into a larger notion. It was originally included as part of Trivarga - the three goals of human existence (Dharma, Artha, and Kama), which evolved into Chaturvarga (Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha). Chaturvarga is also known as Purushartha, which translates as "Human Pursuit Objective." Nobody can ever have a meaningful and fruitful life unless they grasp their