
Showing posts from April, 2023
  Understanding the Mind and Matter Through the Eyes of Vedas  First of all, we have to understand the real meaning of matter through the perspective of modern science because we are much familiar with modern scientific language in comparison to language of ancient Vedic Scriptures and this is one of the main reasons that large number of people are straying in the darkness of ignorance. Let’s understand the Matter: According to reductionist Newtonian science, matter is a substance made up of various types of particles that occupy space and has inertia. German physicist Hans Peter Duarr who is the emeritus president of Max Plank Germany, discovered that matter is not made out of matter but it’s the energy which is converted in to matter and vice-versa. It was thought before the new awareness in science of atoms, that atoms have been made up of smaller sub-atomic elements. Even more earth-shattering was the discovery that atoms emit various strange energies such as X-rays and radioac
  Understanding the realm of God (Part 2) Let’s start understanding the nature. The creating, operating, and destroying force of this universe is Nature. Ancient Vedic scriptures elaborates everything about the nature. Tantrokta Ratri Suktam which is a part of Durga Saptshati that had originated from Rigveda, gives the real idea and veracity of Nature. Nature is not an ordinary phenomenon but Ancient Vedas considered it as the Goddess. Tantrokta Ratri Suktam unveils the secrets and characteristics of Nature. It states “The goddess of the entire universe (Vishweshwari), who bears or upholds all the worlds (Jagat Dhatri), who is the underlying cause of the continuation of existence (Sthiti) as well as the withdrawal of creation (Samhara), who is the goddess with unrivalled tejas (power), and who is Vishnu's Yoga Nidra. Brahma said: you are swaha (sacrificial oblations to the gods), you are swadha (sacrificial oblations to the manes), you are indeed Vashatkara (exclamation durin
      Understanding the realm of God ( Part 1) Everybody is familiar with word God in which G stands for Generator, O stands for Operator and D stands for Destroyer of the universe. Vedic Scriptures describes the nature and God. According to Vedas the whole universe is being originated from sound. What is sound? According to modern science, it is vibration. "If you examine the core of an atom you will realize that all matter is one." According to Advaitic conclusion, all this world is one flow of energy (shakti); everything is an electromagnetic flow, but how do we account for the manifestation of different objects? It is to be attributed to different type of vibrations. Modern nuclear science and the concepts of Einstein has arrived to the same conclusion. Where there is vibration there is a sound. Conversely, to produce a sound the vibration corresponding to it must also be created. The scientific concept that the different vibrations of the same energy are the cause of
  Political Leadership : An Obsolete Concept      Political governance is a big failure in the history of mankind because it couldn’t resolve the problems of the world. The fact is, all existing problems have been created by politics and politicians.   Let’s dig deeply and unveil the dark secrets of politics, political parties and real masters of democracy, economy and financial system, feudalistic capitalism, education system and policies, environmental issues including weather engineering, global warming, genetically modified seeds, factory processed food etc.   Political leaders and their padrone capitalists, both are driven by hyper materialistic approaches which leads them to unlimited selfishness, greed, lust, ego and make them power hungry. These are the signs of devilish wealth. As a result of this, global population is suffering from endless war, communal hatred and rights, racism, grief, misery, misfortune, calamities, and many other thousands of problems including dise
मनुष्य जीवन में धर्म, योग, वेद, वेदांत, तंत्र, मंत्र ,अध्यात्म का महत्व और आधुनिक जीवन शैली   मार्ग फॉर पीस वैश्विक शांति की स्थापना के लिए महान आध्यात्मिक गुरु और वेद विद्या के सिद्ध विशेषज्ञ जो की गुरूजी के नाम से विख्यात है, के मार्ग दर्शन में शुरू की गई  एक पहल है | इस ब्लॉग की शुरुआत मार्ग फॉर पीस को जन जन तक पहुँचाने के लिए की गई है | आज भारत की सुषुप्त चेतना को  जागृत करने की आवश्यकता है क्योंकि जैसे जैसे मशीनों का विकास हुआ, सूचना तकनीक का प्रचार और प्रसार हुआ वैसे वैसे ही चेतना में गिरावट हुई है | इससे धर्म की बहुत ज्यादा हानि हुई है और अधर्म का विस्तार व्यापक हुआ है | भारत ऋषियों और मुनियों की भूमि रहा है | भारतीय मनीषा अर्थात मनुष्य की सोचने विचारने की शक्ति  ने मनुष्य जीवन में धर्म, अध्यात्म, वेद, वेदांत, मंत्र और तंत्र पर गहन चिंतन और मनन किया है |    जीवन क्या है ? हम कौन हैं ? हम संसार में क्यों आये हैं ? हमारे जीवन में या संसार में इतना दुःख क्यों है ? सुख क्या है ? इस अशांति की वजह क्या है ? हमारी समस्याओं का मूल कारण क्या है ? और हम किस प्रकार से इनसे छुटकारा पा